Hi all -- I'm new on this list. It's very impressive how Inkscape is coming along!
I have a large set of SVG files (665 of them) that I've exported from Macintosh Adobe Illustrator and am now hoping to be able to work on exclusively in Inkscape. (Bye bye proprietary software!)
As part of the process, I need to gamma-correct all these files, since the gamma correction on a Mac is different from the one used on Linux and Windows. In the past, I've done this by taking the EPS output from Illustrator and munging it using a kludgy perl script I wrote. (I convert the figures from EPS to PDF, and include them in a book done in pdftex.) I'd like to be able to do this to the SVG source files now, and solve the problem once and for all. Can anyone suggest an easy way to do this? Can this be done in Inkscape, and, if so, can the operation be scripted? Or is there some other utility that can do it? As a last resort, I could look into writing a less-kludgy Perl script using XML::LibXSLT or something, but I'm hoping for an easier way.
On a related note, it occurs to me that if Inkscape has a test suite of SVG files, some subset of mine might be a useful addition to it --- if so, let me know. (They're technical illustrations from a physics textbook.) For example, when a new release of Inkscape comes out, it might be a good workout for it to see if it can read in a bunch of files, and render them as PNG without choking or producing an empty output file on any of the inputs.