30 Oct
30 Oct
6:01 a.m.
About Inkscapeforum.com... I tried to create an account, but I didn't receive the mail for activation. Now my account is blocked, and when I try to login, the answer is: "The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.". Great. Except that if you want to contact an administrator, you must be logged... Very funny ^^.
So, Someone can give me an email adress of an administrator, or if an administrator of this board reads this message, can he do something, please? My pseudo is 'Teto'.
Thanks a lot! Teto.
Le 30/10/2010 00:27, Guillermo Espertino a écrit :
John: Probably Inkscapeforum.com is a good place to start. ...