11 Mar
11 Mar
4:38 p.m.
On 11/3/11 12:16, kqt4at5v@...1263... wrote:
I did find that dynamic offset is not quite as destructive Is there a way with dynamic offset to set an exact dimension, 5.626 px
Inkscape currently has no special GUI to edit the distance of the dynamic (or linked) offset numerically, nor does its handle snap to grid, guides or other node targets. You can however easily adjust the numeric offset distance using the XML Editor:
1) select the dynamic offset 2) open 'Edit > XML Editor...' 3) in the list at the right side, select the attribute 'inkscape:radius' 4) edit the value in the entry box at the bottom (in px) 5) click 'Set' (or use the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl'+Enter)
hth, ~suv