Terry Hancock escribió:
Alan Horkan wrote:
On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Cory Pollard wrote: I realise there is something of a generation gap and some users really do prefer using web based forums for everything (as opposed to getting a better email client, or using news (NNTP) or anything else).
And so long as us curmudgeons insist on text-only email, that's likely to persist!
The truth is a web forum is much more suited to sharing graphical content, and that's what I like about the idea.
Cheers, Terry
I totally agree, after all, it is precisely *graphics* software we are talking about, not old-fashioned Usenet text-only discussions... Plus the whole thing about HTML posting... So you CAN use your favorite mail software, just not your favorite *formatting*, some of the archaic Netiquette rules seem to be way over the board nowadays (but as long as people will still use CLI based readers, I guess there's not much we can do anyways).
I for one do appreciate my e-mail software, but also reckon its limitations, while it easily manages the amount of traffic of several mailing lists, I also like (very much) the convenience of a web-forum interface... Balance between the two should be attainable, like the proposed NNTP backends. I'd lean forward for a forum, though.