On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2829...> wrote:
On 15-4-2011 9:57, donn wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's a situation:
> You have an original path, say a seagull. You make a clone for someplace
> else. But, you need that clone to *act* more like an actual path than a
> clone. Say you want it to punch-out (subtract) from some other path.
> Now you could use the original seagull path, but that can be dangerous
> because it's your master drawing. To punch out some other path, you
> would have to *move* the 'master' to the precise position and then make
> a copy and fiddle with z-order and then do the subtraction op.
> And, say you are doing this many times - adjusting as you go.
> Now, if I could make a "path clone" and use it like a tool, that would
> solve the problem. I alter the master, the path-clone changes. I
> re-punch the other path. Loop until satisfied.
> There are other situations I have found where I wish a clone could be a
> path and still be a clone, I just can't recall them.
> Would there be some way to drive this by Python? I could point a path at
> a clone (or the master) and say 'take this shape' (i.e. an update of the
> path to match the source). It would be great if the two could remain
> linked and auto-update as the source changes shape.

I understand only half of what you are writing.
But perhaps this will help you: a more "path-like" clone can be obtained
by drawing a straight horizontal line, applying Pattern along path LPE,
then as pattern path *link* it to your master path (select master path,
ctrl+c, select 'path-like-clone' and click 'link to path'. You then a
somewhat of a clone. But you can set the fill and stroke regardless of
the masterpath's fill and stroke (unlike a normal clone).




I believe the veIntersect element would do what he wants to achieve. Basically, it's a more useful type of clipping in some circumstances. If the image they showed wanted a better demo, they would have used a stroke on the larger object, because the inner "hole" that gets created would be stroked too.

I will email you off-list with a screenshot.
