On 10/24/07, Robert Funnell <robert.funnell@...2351...> wrote:
Rare, perhaps, but the effect of a stained-glass window comes to mind. Would you propose to get rid of the possibility altogether? (Of course one could work around it, but clumsily.)
The possibility is there all right. Nobody is removing it. You have the A: slider in fill&stroke for that. I just don't want to provide additional controls and shortcuts for it.
- master opacity equally well applies to groups, again preserving the
group appearance. Fill/stroke opacity is unavailable for groups.
Is it unavailable for a fundamental reason?
Groups have no fill/stroke. Well, they can have it in fact, but it works simply by assinging that fill/stroke to all members, same as if they were selected separately. And it's not the same as master opacity on group - it looks different when objects overlap.