On 8/24/07, Carlos Guâno Grohmann <carlos.grohmann@...155...> wrote:
There is one feature of CorelDraw I haven't see anywhere else. When you click an object and then you can transform it, change the width, for instance. If you hold CRTL while doing it, it will cause the object to be moved or scaled, in amounts equal to its size, so you can use it to mirror the object or to place a duplicate aligned to the original one, without the need of additional actions.
the problem is that in Inkscape, if you drag the diagonal modifiers, you need to hold shift to make it changes proportionally, while this is the default action for Corel. So maybe it would need to hold two keys, or use some other key (like Alt)..
Indeed this was added to SVN some time ago, and indeed it uses Alt:
Draging the scale handles with Alt now scales selection by an integer factor, i.e. up to 2, 3, 4, etc. times the original size or down to 1/2. 1/3, 1/4, etc. of the original size (in any of the two dimensions independently). This way you can, for example, mirror any object around one of the edges of its box.