On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 07:03 +0200, David von Stetten wrote:
Hmm, just to make sure I understand you correctly: psfrag works well with text labels which are inserted by inkscape, but any labels already existing in the original EPS file are inevitably destroyed?? I hope that's not right, as in this case I'd have to look for an entirely different solution.
I've studied the problem a bit more...
Yes, psfrag works with text labels inserted by Inskcape. And yes, importing EPS into Inkscape may convert the text labels to paths... losing their ability to be used as tags for psfrag. This depends on which version of Inkscape you are using and where you got it from.
The current SVN version uses the program "pstoedit" to convert EPS into svg. The exact command is `pstoedit -f plot-svg`. This command does not convert the text to paths (although the SVG file it produces looks a bit strange).
To use the SVN version, replace the contents of: share/inkscape/extensions/eps_input.inx with
<inkscape-extension> <_name>EPS Input</_name> <id>org.inkscape.input.eps</id> <dependency type="executable">pstoedit</dependency> <input> <extension>.eps</extension> <mimetype>image/x-encapsulated-postscript</mimetype> <_filetypename>Encapsulated Postscript (*.eps)</_filetypename> <_filetypetooltip>Encapsulated Postscript</_filetypetooltip> <output_extension>org.inkscape.output.eps</output_extension> </input> <script> <command reldir="path">pstoedit -f plot-svg</command> </script> </inkscape-extension>
You must have "pstoedit" available with plot-svg from the GNU libplot library.
Another way to get a decent svg file for input into Inkscape is to use the chain:
pstoedit -f sk test_original.eps test_original.sk skconvert test_original.sk test_sk.svg
This seems to produce a bit better svg, again with the text not converted to paths.
You could replace the text as paths with text as text.
Uhm, what do you mean by this?
That you could manually replace the text (paths) imported by Inkscape by text objects (real text). Obviously one of the above methods would be better.