Hi Friends, I've come across some surprising behavior and I'm not sure if it's intended or not. ("surprising" to me, in my permanent learning mode :-D) When the Shape option is Triangle In or Out, on the Pen/Bezier control bar (Pencil/Freehand tool too) and the mode is set to anything except Spiro Spline, the path automatically has the Power Stroke LPE applied to it. It used to be Pattern Along Path. And when the Shape is set to Ellipse or From Clipboard, it still is PAP. Is this intended? If so, I wonder if "Shape" as the title for that dropdown list should be "Path Effects" or something to indicate that it's much more than just a "shape" that you're about to draw? Thanks for clarification or comments. (I'm on Windows 7, sp1, 64-bit, Inkscape 0.91, 32-bit (exe).) :-)
All best, brynn