I have used Google Sketchup.  But the thing is the quality of the image. 
I don't believe the Google Sketchup can achieve such quality.

I am sure Inkscape can draw things like the link above, and if drawing one by one is the only way, I will do it.
Since I have started Inkscape recently, so I don't know the full capability of this particular software.


2012/12/29 Marc Weber <marco-oweber@...26...>
Excerpts from ishi soichi's message of Sat Dec 29 10:00:35 +0100 2012:
> I want to draw 3D objects efficiently.

There is ctrl-shift-m which comes closest - however I guess they just
used a real 3d application. Blender sketchup (google) can be downloaded
for free. blender is open source, sketchup I don't know exactly.

Marc Weber

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