For those who might be interested, I've uploaded to YouTube a narrated and animated children's story I wrote --
The Story of Tommy Trimble. I hired an illustrator and animator to draw the graphics using Inkscape and animate the SVG's using the Animatron.com web site -- which is in some ways a "primitive Adobe After Effects/Adobe Flash."
Here is the video.
I'm delighted with how this turned out.
And here is a short screencast from the animator, Taylor Jansen, explaining some of the process she used to bring the SVG's to life.
Thanks for sharing these links with any youth or adults you know who are interested in using Inkscape for drawing animated stories. In some ways, the animations from Animatron.com look like Jib Jab animations -- at least to my eye.
I don't know the folks who created Animatron.com, but I'm very grateful they created this neat web creative tool.
You can follow them on Twitter, too, at
Phil Shapiro Washington DC
For some of my other animated children's stories, see --
The Great Ping Pong Ball Experiment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCFMM95XJMg (created using Adobe Flash)
An Ordinary Mother
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4reitjBTlI (created using Adobe Flash)