I am a long time Freehand user (still using Fh8 on the mac) and I am trying to switch to Inkscape. I playing with it for a few hours last weekend and I have a few questions.
FH8 used to have 'replicate' and used to remember the offset of duplicate options so one could easily duplicate a set of things over and over. For example, if I wanted to build a grid, I could draw a line then duplicate it once placing it in the right place then hit the duplicate key over and over.
I've been trying this with patterns and cloning and I have problems with bounding boxes. It looks like the tiling wants to tile base on bounding box, but the box is outside of the actual area by some amount like the size of miters, or lines or soemthing. i.e. The bounding box doesn't bound to the node points, but to the line. This makes it impossible (as far as I can tell) to make a pinstripe pattern.
Anyone encountered things like this before?
I'm using Inkscape 0.44.
Thanks for any help!