Hi Friends, I've been trying to read about licenses, and trying to figure out if I could use the Inkscape_Logo2_1_1.png icon, as a link on my forum (http://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php?action=forum) directly to the Download page (https://inkscape.org/en/download/). Inkscape_Logo2_1_1.png is the icon with the big green down arrow, on this page https://inkscape.org/en/download/windows/. But the language with the licenses is hard for me to understand. I guess the Inkscape logo by itself is ok to use, as far as I understand the Inkscape Trademark Policy (https://inkscape.org/en/about/trademark-policy/). But I'm not sure if the download icon on the website might be a different case. (A software could be open source, but it's website *could* still be copyrighted. I'm just not exactly sure about Inkscape's. There's no copyright statement on the website, but like some other things(CoC for gallery comments), maybe it's just not be written yet.) I think I could use the Inkscape logo and add a slightly different green arrow myself. But using the download icon from the website, I'm just not sure about. Would someone clear me up about that, in a not too technical way?
Thank you very much, brynn