Did behave a bit wierd when i played with your file, not sure quite why. Did clean up ok, just needed some nodes deleting after combining the shapes. Attached is how I'd approach creating that shape.
--- Andrew Conkling <andrewski@...362...> wrote:
On 06/12/04 12:38:38, John Cliff wrote:
Select the three curves, do control+K (or path>combine) and they'll
combined into one path. Use the node tool to weld any coincident
together and fill and stroke should behave as expected.
Thanks (to you and to Robert) for the replies; I'm still a bit baffled as to why it won't work.
Could someone take a look at the file and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've combined the curves, but they don't fill all the way. I'm not really interested in someone correcting it for me, but rather helping me to figure this out so I can become more adept with this program.
Here's the link to the file: http://lila-theme.uni.cc/andrewski/easytag-masks.svg
Thanks in advance, Andrew
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