On Mon, January 30, 2017 2:58 pm, I previously wrote:
Say an SVG file has a chair. The chair is composed of several parts. It has a back, legs, etc.
Is there any way to isolate one part of the chair only (one object? one vector section? sorry I do not know the correct term or word for it) and edit it isolated from all the other parts, say in its own window?
Indeed you can select a particular part of the chair and edit it with all the other parts near it.. but I am wondering if you can completely isolate it, say in it's own edit window, to focus only on it, zoom in on it, etc.
p.s. may be able to do this with layers, but I was thinking something more immediate without having to create a layer for each part of the image... just right click a certain object (say a chair leg) and "Edit this section only" or "Edit this object".