On Feb 7, 2008 2:48 PM, Roune Linus <linus@...2301...> wrote:

I'm attempting to user a TrueType pixel font called SuperText which can be found at:


…but Inkscape is unable to display it and resorts to changing the font to BitStream Vera Sans instead. Now I've managed to get other pixel font to display nice and crispy like Pixel Arial 11( http://www.dafont.com/pixel-arial-11.font ) and others some of which I've needed to convert with FontForge to truetype font. So the question is why does SuperText not render even though it's truetype?

Some OpenType fonts have Truetype outlines and Postscript outlines. Based on this (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Inkscape_does_not_see_some_of_the_fonts_.28Windows.29)

it appears that it still has trouble displaying fonts even if they are .TTF . I'm no font expert, but I know there are several on my system that will not display in Inkscape.