MoNKi wrote:
Is only an opinion. The users shouldn't have to know the capabilities of PS because usually they are artist, not programmers. They do a design, and then export it as EPS, svg, png... without knowing all the formats in the world.
*sigh* I know. Several times I had to collect a bunch of logos from various sponsors which were to be embedded into a PS file for high-resolution output. Half the people sent me jpegs of what originally was obviously done in some vector program. When I asked them that I wanted an EPS they would send me something created by opening the jpeg in Photoshop and saving it "as EPS". I ended up rebuilding several logos.
I think an artists dosn't have to be programmers, but they should know their tools. That includes basic knowledge about file formats and their capabilities. Someone who doesn't know the difference between a bitmap and a vector graphic shouldn't do computer-based design.