i wanna use inkscape in combination with psfrag. i found a detailed description how to do that here: http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/ch03s03.html
i don't know but somehow this is not working for me. the textfield isn't replaced. i'm using inkscape 0,41
i out my test documents online
http://www.sbox.tugraz.at/home/m/mmangard/inkscape/test.svg # the image in svg http://www.sbox.tugraz.at/home/m/mmangard/inkscape/test.eps # the image in eps http://www.sbox.tugraz.at/home/m/mmangard/inkscape/question.tex # the latex-source http://www.sbox.tugraz.at/home/m/mmangard/inkscape/question.dvi #dvi http://www.sbox.tugraz.at/home/m/mmangard/inkscape/question.ps #
it would be great if someone could check my files i don't know where the error is.