Meaning, I guess: 

On Mac, anything under Extensions —> Generate (foldable box, calendar) doesn’t work.

This must, again, be an issue with the Fabulous LibXML library not being installed.  I found it a very hard problem to tackle, and I do not remember the steps I took. They have, however, been described in this list and I believe there actually exists somewhere on the internet an Inscape distribution with this library in place.

Kind regards,


On 08 Sep 2014, at 07:07, FERNANDO RAMOS <fernandoramos@...3099...> wrote:

Buen día

Estoy tratando de diseñar en Inkscape para mac pero no funciona ninguno de los elementos de Extensiones->Generar (Caja plegable, calendario etc)

Alguien puede ayudarme.

Les agradezco mucho

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