this is my first posting to this forum and I hope I send my questions to the right email address ;-)
1. Why does Inkscape uses the path tag for circles instead of the existing circle tag?
2. When painting a circle in Inkscape and moving it the move is stored in the transform translate tag. Can anyone tell me why ? <<Bild (Geräteunabhängige Bitmap)>>
This has the effect that the circle is displayed in my application at the position where it is placed in Inkscape but when moving it the circle is first set to the previous position (without translation) and then moved from that position !
__________________ Jens Rottgardt Buildmanagement ITP Fahrzeugherstellung, K-SIB 2
Postadresse: Volkswagen AG Brieffach 1839 38436 Wolfsburg
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Telefon +49 -5361-896-3276
Telefax +49 (0) 5361-896-3296 mailto:jens.rottgardt@...2472... http://www.volkswagen.de
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