On May 21, 2012, at 5:51 PM, david@...2429... wrote:
I have some .svg files that I create with the tools at blockdiag.com (it does a good job of turning progromatic data into a valid graphic), but there are a lot of times when I would like to grab a chunk of the resulting digram and move it around. The problem I have had trying to use Inkscape to do this is that I can select and grab a block, but the lines stay put. I really want to grab the objects and the endpoints of the lines that are within the selection window and move the endpoints along with the objects.
Is there an easy way to do this that I have been overlooking?
I believe that the multipath editing in Inkscape 0.48 might be able to do what you want.
Select a few objects, switch to the node tool, then drag a selection around the nodes of the shapes you want to move about.