Does it get slower if you just run it and leave running? Or only if you are doing any editing?
I confess I have not simply left it. I will start it tonight when I go to bed (in about 5 minutes :D)
Did you look at Help > About memory and how it's changing with time?
I have yes, I want a -h flag for that dialog like the -h in du :) I don't process byte values very well and they change so quickly! What should I look for? Is there a way to log those values?
Oh - I recall another thing. When it starts getting really slow, dialogs that are opened (I saw this on the page settings and inkscape settings) are displayed blank. After literally minutes the widgets begin to draw onto the form, but they are all messed-up. I usually grab an edge and jiggle the form and then wait for it to redraw (a long wait). After this happened twice I took to just restarting the app.
Thanks, /d