Hi Friends, Posting here first, to avoid possible duplicate report. I searched, didn't find anything, but it could still already be reported. Extensions menu > Raster > Crop is WAY convenient, and thank you very much for providing it! But the live preview possibly has an problem. When I enter a number in the first field (whichever field, it doesn't matter) the live preview shows it. No problem there. But when I put the 2nd new number in any field, the image shifts itself. Generally it shifts up and/or to the right, if I put a higher number; and it shifts down if I put a lower number (than what's already in the box). And every time I change the number value in a field, the image shifts itself one way or another. The greater the number change, the further it shifts. After a handful of positive changes, the image is moving out of the visible part of the canvas at the top. As a way to help in deciding where to crop, I had initially drawn a rectangle, thinking maybe the extension would use it (I noticed this new extension the other day, but this is the first time I've tried to use it). So when the image starts shifting, it's moving away from the rectangle that I was using as a guide. If I uncheck Live Preview, and re-check it, the image goes back where it started. It seems to only happen when I highlight the existing number, and type in new ones, into the fields. If I use the spinboxes, the image stays put. If I position the cursor, and backspace and then type new numbers, the image stays put. Only happens when I highlight numbers and type over them. Inkscape 0.91, 32-bit, exe installer, Windows 7, 64-bit. Let me know if I can provide any further info.
Thanks :-) brynn