On 5/8/07, Gijsbert Stoet <Gijsbert.Stoet@...2082...> wrote:
I have recently asked how to easily scale multiple objects, including characters, and then later scale only to a particular font size. Somehow, this is difficulty to do in inkscape (but I hope there is an easy trick!). It is much easier to understand the problem if you see what I mean by example. I have put the question in an svg with an
I don't see any problem. For the unscaled one it shows about 41px font size, for the scaled one about 28. I don't see a discrepancy between toolbar and dialog either. You can select all text labels and set any font size for them.
Thanks for picking up on this. It turned out that what I described was due to the particular development version of Inkscape. After I checked the stable version 0.45 it works as you say. As you say, rescaling fonts in inkscape correctly changes the font size in the font-toolbar. What I do not understand is how you get the 'original' aspect ratio of a text object. For example, if I do the following:
1) Make text object in fontsize 32px 2) Select the text object, make it very wide, for example 3) Select it with the text tool again. Now set back the font size to 32px, and it will still not have the original aspect ratio. Is there a way to deal with this?
Thanks a lot, it is fantastic to have such a helpful forum! :)
(sorry for not replying correctly, I get my messages in digest and cannot reply to a single post in the digest list, I guess)
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