Select the three curves, do control+K (or path>combine) and they'll be combined into one path. Use the node tool to weld any coincident points together and fill and stroke should behave as expected.
hope it helps
--- Andrew Conkling <andrewski@...362...> wrote:
On 06/12/04 10:53:45, Nicu Buculei wrote:
Andrew Conkling wrote:
- I made 3 Bezier curves that I want to intersect into a shape,
when I try to change the fill for them, it changes on the outside
the shape. Is there any way to change that, or to have Inkscape
recognise the 3 curves as a shape in its own right?
i'm not sure i understand your problem, but you can transform
curves to
shapes (stroke to path)
I have 3 curves that make a shape. I want the "Fill and Stroke" to treat it as a shape, so that it will fill inside it and produce a stroke around it. However, when I do "Stroke to Path", the fill is then the line of the curve and the stroke goes all the way around the lines, inside and out.
Am I making sense here? 8-o
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