Claus Cyrny wrote:
This is really the best and simplest way to make a round corner on a square.
Thanks! As a final step, I would suggest to delete the additional control points, in order to get really smooth 90° corners.
2009/10/6 Claus Cyrny <claus.cyrny@...22... mailto:claus.cyrny@...22...>
Hi, I just tried to figure out how to accomplish this, and one way to do it would be as follows: 1. Draw your square. 2. Select it and press F2 (edit path by nodes) 3. Use the round control point to round all of the corners. 4. Perform "Object to Path". 5. Select the control point of the corners you would like to have a 90° angle, by selecting first one point, then (with SHIFT pressed) the other one. (Perform this separate for each angle). 6. After having selected the two points, press "Make selected segments lines" (4th button from right; the one with the two blue control points connected by a straight line). 7. Use the "Edit Path by nodes" tool to move one of the control points until you have a 90° angle. 8. Do this with the control points of all three corners. That's it! Greetings, Claus
Isn't point 7 rather cumbersome, and how do you achieve a certainty of 90° angles (except for a case where I use grid etc. and the square aligns well with it.
In any other case I would suggest:
1. Draw the square with the round corners
2. Press Ctrl+D to duplicate it
3. With the duplicate, press the 'Make corners sharp' button
4. Press Ctrl+D to duplicate again
5. Rotate the 2nd duplicate by 45 degrees and position it over the corner that should stay round
6. Select both duplicates and press ctrl - (Difference) to cut away the corner
7. Select the original and the remaining duplicate and press ctrl + (Union) to merge them together
8. pressing F2 you see the nodes, where you can delete unused ones (those not being in the corners or at the start of the round edge)
That's it, and this time the square can lie in any direction, you'll always get right angles in the corners