Hi all,
I could not manage the way to work with quite big svg files.
I'm usually working with R (statistic program), export plot to ps or svg, and then tune my figures with inkscape. The problem is that when svg files are rather big (few Mb), inkscape uses all the RAM and finally all the swap.... my laptop freezes.
Is there a way to work with big svg files with inkscape ?
As an example, find an svg files (5.6 Mb) at http://serv-umr5023.univ-lyon1.fr/~tlefebure/tmp/test.svg and screenshot of inkscape with the memory tracer open at http://serv-umr5023.univ-lyon1.fr/~tlefebure/tmp/capture1.png . My laptop (512 Mb of RAM, and 700 Mb of swap) freezes when I try to export a png of this file.
inkscape.i386.0.42-2.fc4 on fedora core 4
thanks for any help...