I don't think there would be a performance hit at all. The tree itself would just reference the in memory objects which already have all the attributes (hierarchy, id/name, locked and opacity status).

The only performance hit required would be drawing the nodes in the tree, but this drawing would be limited by the what was visible in the scrollable region of the window, say 40 items max (1280px vertical resolution divided by 32px thumbnail size =  40 items max, and this doesn't include a title bar, status bar, tool bar, app bar ect eating into your vertical space). And drawing 40 items would do nothing to performance.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Rob Antonishen <rob.antonishen@...155...> wrote:
You could suggest it as a roadmap item.

I am not sure how useful it would be or how the performance would be
for larger documents. For example I have one I am working on with over
13000 path elements. I organize them by layers and groups.

Rob A.

On 7/17/08, Anthony Walter <sysrpl@...155...> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Is anyone working on something like this, or has it been considered
> before...
> Adding a visual tree control to Inkscape which displays the following: your
> layers, groups, and vector shapes ... with names, thumbnails, blending, and
> toggles object/group/layer locked/visible states, as well as drag groups
> (1,2,3,4,none ect). This tree control would also have a setting to define
> the thumbnail size, and would allow for two way object selecting (i.e.
> select the obejcts in the tree, and they are selected in the drawing/select
> them in the drawing and they show as bold selected in the tree).
> A mock up is here:
> http://imagebot.org/snapshots/CF9400B2FB51AFBA269FF9F7FA373CBC.jpg
> This would be useful in finding hidden/locked objects, or objects which are
> obscured below fully opaque objects, and also allow you to drag the object
> in to treee to relayer/regroup objects.
> I know Inkscape has an xml editor, but this idea is so much than that that.
> What do you guys think?

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