Martin Owens schrieb:
On Fri, 2016-02-26 at 01:04 +0100, Andreas Borutta wrote:
Of course the goal "high quality SVG" is not an abstract one.
Only good code allows to manipulate the parameters of the SVG effectively, when you want to change the appearance.
Sorry, when I'm sceptical about the suggested way.
You may be right about the considered option compared to other's suggestions. But the output for pdf will not be rather, it'll be vector and you'll get a good visual which looks like the visuals found in office.
I tried it.
Source of a simple spreadsheet with a chart: http://www.ooowiki.de/DiagrammMitLinien.html
I took one spreadsheet out of it: http://borumat.de/+svg/tabellendokument.ods
I exported it from Libreoffice as a PDF: http://borumat.de/+svg/tabellendokument.pdf
I imported the PDF into Inkscape: http://borumat.de/+svg/tabellendokument.svg
The SVG code of the chart is not editable/usable, because it uses only "svg:path". And it is full of redundances.
I'm not a programmer, but I think that only a specialized software/plugin can create high quality (editable) SVG code from spreadsheet data.
All the concepts of charts has to be "mapped":
axis, grid, scale, legend, ...
Semantically useful IDs has to be used and so on ...
Best, Andreas