On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 08:52:23AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
The reason they're black is because rather than simply being a fixed property of a line, they're implemented as separate referenced drawing elements that are pasted onto the line at given spots. This is clearly an extremely flexible design, allowing just about any chunk of svg to be used as a marker. However, communicating style elements (like colors) between the line and this separate drawing element takes requires some additional SVG syntax that we don't have implemented in Inkscape yet for various reasons (like being a SVG 1.2 feature).
Why wouldn't you just group the line ad its marker, then put theline's style on the group instead? Ipersonally would love the abiilty to push common styles up the heiarchy. It would make my work a lot easier to keep maintainable (and make the files maringally smaller).
Sorry about the typos, I'm on adespereatly slow/broken connection that insists on delivering keypress events out of order ornot at all.