On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 10:04 +0200, J.B.C.Engelen@...2072... wrote:
Congratulations on this 3rd edition Tav.
It pains me to read: "The implementation of LPEs has many bugs, especially if removing effects from a path or chaining LPEs. Paths can be left with LPE cruft in their attributes and without a valid SVG path. You can always check objects with the XML Editor dialog. It may be useful to vacuum the file (File → Vacuum Defs) to remove unused LPE definitions. Save work often! "
It pains me because it's true :-(
For the Knot LPE, I fixed it for groups such that the switcher does work.
Thanks for fixing that. I will update the online guide at some point and also add an online 'errata" for the print versions to cover last minute changes.