I prefer this one: http://needcoffee.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-0-46-About-Screen-73478652 but the perspective could be made less "dramatic" so that 0.46 is more easily read.
Quite some time ago, I started some drawings with the ambition to turn them into submissions for about screen contest. I turns out I won't have time to finish those. If someone is interested in starting from them, or is lacking inspiration, or just finds them nice enough to work on them, please use them: http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/Inkscape-about.zip The "reflexion" one could use some 3D work for example, the logo should probably be bended into an horizontal perspective, the engraving one needs to be finished etc etc. Anyway, everything is included in the zip (bitmap, font) and you don't even have to credit me.
On 2008-January-04 , at 09:10 , Joshua Blocher wrote:
I like this one best so far. http://dnfjud.deviantart.com/art/inkscape-0-46-about-screen-73668915
On 1/3/08, Josh Andler <scislac@...155...> wrote:
Hey all!
I just wanted to throw a reminder out there about the contest as well as provide links to the entries so far.
First off, the deadline is this upcoming Sunday, so get crackin if you haven't already! ;)
Now for the current entries:
http://artguy10.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-0-46-About- Screen-72819990 http://av-2.deviantart.com/art/About-Inkscape-72938301 http://valessiobrito.info/projetos/inkscape/about46/InkAbout46.png http://unicko.deviantart.com/art/INKSCAPE-0-46-SPLASH-SCREEN-73091557 http://hrum.deviantart.com/art/shinig-star-73166368 http://prkos.deviantart.com/art/Stitched-Gold-73418805 http://needcoffee.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-0-46-About-Screen-73478652 http://www.designstyles.de/images/anderes/aboutscreen_inkscape.png http://archaemic.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-0-46-entry-73547422 http://humoram.deviantart.com/art/Hi-comunity-73567841 http://dnfjud.deviantart.com/art/inkscape-0-46-about-screen-73668915
I will update again when the entry part of the contest has concluded and then the community portion of judging will begin.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/