Hi Friends, I've seen a few times where applying Powerstroke LPE to a closed path not only doesn't work, but creates some strange results. This includes using the Triangle In/Out for Pencil and Pen, as well as applying it separately to a path. I thought it surely must be already reported as a bug, but I can't seem to find any reports. It could have a title with some technical words that I don't understand. I just want to make sure it's not going to be a duplicate if I report it. Is anyone aware of this being reported as a bug before, or knows which bug report it is? Or is this just such a known issue, that we don't expect it should work? Here's a test file: https://inkscapecommunity.com/jd/imgs/psclosed.svg Just add a powerstroke to that closed path. (Windows 7, 64-bit, Inkscape 0.92.2, 64-bit, 7z).
Thanks, brynn