Hi Friends, I'm working on a project to list all the external extensions, on the same page where I have all the best tutorials listed (https://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php)
I already have a list made -- approx 300 of them. And I've made an attempt at organizing them. I'm using the current Extensions menu as a starting place for categories. That seems like the most logical way in which users might search for them (or expect to find them).
The Render and Export categories have so many that I've made sub-categories. Plus I made a new one called Animation, which holds both animation and presentation type of extensions.
But I'm stuck with approx 45 of them which I'm not sure where they would belong. Plus, I might not have gotten the ones I did organize in the proper place. Often extensions might fit in more than one category, but usually one is better than the other.
I wonder if anyone might have some time, to help me out with this? I've uploaded an ODT file as an attachment in this forum topic (which I've also requested any forum members who might have time to help). https://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php?topic=1261.0
For clarity, these are specifically what I need help with:
-- At the bottom (last 3 pages) is a category called "Unsure". Those are the ones I need the most help with. Ideally I'd like all of them categorized....except that there are several extensions I found which don't have descriptions, and their titles aren't very helpful with knowing what they do either. So there could realistically be a few left over which can't fit into a category.
-- There are subcategories in Render and Export called "Other" (among several other subcats). There should be several extensions from "Other" which can fit into other subcategories.
-- Generally if you notice any that I put in the wrong place, please move them to the correct place.
For anyone who can help, please just edit that file, and upload it somewhere. (The file itself is just my working list. It's not going on the webpage, so don't worry about the formatting or font. I'll deal with that when I code the page.)
I really appreciate any help which anyone can offer. And I think it will benefit the community as well, to have sort of a master list available, so users don't have to spend so much time searching the internet.
Thank you very much, brynn