I'm trying to import some pages of pdf files generated with LilyPond. I need to import the scores as pdf, ps or eps because there are built-in postscript drawings that could not be generated by LilyPon's svg backend.
I have made a copy of LilyPond OTF fonts into /Library/Fonts (have also tried ~/.fonts and ~/Library/Fonts)... (the files are: CenturySchL-Roma.otf CenturySchL-Bold.otf CenturySchL-BoldItal.otf CenturySchL-Ital.otf emmentaler-11.otf emmentaler-13.otf emmentaler-14.otf emmentaler-16.otf emmentaler-18.otf emmentaler-20.otf emmentaler-23.otf emmentaler-26.otf emmentaler-brace.otf)
I can use these fonts if I start a new document in InkScape, but it fails to find the fonts if I try to open or import a pdf page.
It seems to be an "import" issue, because I can open these files in Illustrator (I don't want to use it) and the fonts are recognized by the inkscape if I try to create new texts...
Could it be a Inkscape/import bug? Does anyone have any suggestion about how to load the ps/pdf/eps lilypond documents?
thanks, josé