I was recently working with plots generated by Matlab stored in EPS format. The plots were complex graphs and the result were EPS files with lots of paths. I needed to add several annotations.
The problem is that Inkscape was extremely slow. I had to wait several seconds before and object appeared, after I added it on the canvas. I solved the problem by taking a picture of the screen with the whole plot, saving it as JPEG and importing this JPEG into a layer. I then scaled it so that it looked like the vector plot beneath. Finally hiding the layer with the imported EPS made everything work fast so I could add the annotations..
My question is, would it be possible (or is it already there?) to add some mode of display in which Inkscape would draw only black-and-white preview of selected object (or whole figure), without any fills, strokes, antialiasing... anything. Something like CorelDraw's "wireframe" mode.
I realize that this is a major undertaking and there's probably no need for it, but it would be nice anyway.
Thank you!!