Em 2007/06/01, às 18:55, Daniel Hulme escreveu:
But does it create a HTML file with all the images correctly placed in?
I don't actually use the extension but it doesn't look like it does. Why would you want it to do that? If you want the images all placed together in the same way it's laid out in Inkscape, don't split it up in the first place. If you want to lay out your page inside the elements, you probably want to be using CSS.
But that means open the page in a text editor and code it by hand... With an HTML file, I can go and edit it in any WYSIWYG application, like Dreamweaver ou NVU.
By the way... Do you know any opensource software that allows webdesign layout with CSS, and that does not require me to code?
Thanks, Victor Domingos