Very, very nice! Thank-you, Simon. I have been using Adobe Illustrator to convert dxf to svg so that I can bring it into Inkscape. Maybe now I won't have to do that anymore. I brought in a couple dxf's into Inkscape with your extension and it works great. :)
Simon Mieth wrote the following on 3/13/2008 9:57 AM:
Hi all,
I want to announce a dxf2svg extension as part of the Kabeja ( project. The project itself is target as standalone Java application/ library for parsing, processing and converting DXF. But it could be also used as dxf2svg tool. The Inkscape extension can be build as pure Java extension (needs a running Java runtime environment), native compiled extension (using gcj) or as .NET extension (needs .NET runtime environment on Windows or Mono on Linux/Unix and IKVM).
Kabeja supports most of the 2D part of DXF now, but ignores at the moment the 3D part.
The out-of-box running .NET extension is available as separate extension package (includes all necessary libraries):
- copy all files from the zip archive into the extension folder
The Java extension is include in default binary distribution:
- copy all files from the inkscape-extension folder into your extension folder
For building native extensions you will find some hints here:
The extensions works fine with Inkscape 0.45.1, but is broken on the Windows-Inkscape 0.46 builds: With the binary distribution you can convert DXF to SVG outside of Inkscape and just open the SVG then.
At least I want to say thanks for your fine application Inkscape.
Best Regards,
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