On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 09:21:04PM +0200, Karol Kreński wrote:
On 8/16/05, Hibbs, Phil <phil.hibbs@...926...> wrote:
http://www.hibbs.me.uk/nnjj.svg is a tracing of a photo of my nieces. When I
When I trace images every line from bitmap becomes a shape, not path. How can one trace into paths?
Back on tracing. I will try to make myself clearer this time, sorry for not being at the very beginning.
I draw a straight segment with bezier tool. It has 2 nodes. Should I call it *stroke* or *path* for future discussion? I will call it *stroke* for now.
Now I select the object and press "Convert selected stroke to path" and get 4 nodes. Should I call it *path* or *closed path*? I will call it *closed path* for now.
The email says that http://www.hibbs.me.uk/nnjj.svg is a tracing of a bitmap. If you inspect the image you notice it consits of strokes. I always ended up with tracing into closed paths, never into strokes and my question is how the picture was traced. Or was it later converted to strokes (how?).
It seems I should have just asked: How can I ever convert a closed path into a stroke?
Thanks in advance, Karol