bulia byak wrote:
On 4/27/05, George V. Reilly <george@...634...> wrote:
The gradient fill shows up as a solid color in Photoshop CS. I assume Adobe include a first-rate PostScript handler in Photoshop.
And that is because I forgot to mention one more limitation:
Transparency is lost on PS or EPS export (e.g. you can't use a gradient from an opaque blue to transparent blue; as a workaround, replace it by a gradient from opaque blue to opaque background color).
So, if you replace the gradient's second color from transparent magenta to opaque white, it will work. This is a limitation of Postscript.
Something I forgot to mention yesterday. When I bring up the Fill and Stroke dialog for the text with 0.41, I see a gradient that I can edit: two diagonal lavender bands over a checkerboard with cyan handles.
When I bring up Fill & Stroke with the latest binary, I see a blank canvas in the Fill > Linear Gradient dialog. Just Edit, Add, and Repeat buttons. No checkerboard, no handles. Ditto when I look at Fill > Linear Gradient for other objects. Or Radial Gradient.
And finally there's one Inkscape bug that this file shows: the pad="reflect" on the gradient is ignored. I'm cc'ing Michael Forbes who wrote that code - Michael, is this fixable?