Just read:


Very interesting


On 31 August 2012 15:33, Dennis Melling <dennismelling.rom@...155...> wrote:
I am using 0.48 but will check out 0.49, when possible.

I have attached the image that I am currently having problems with. I completed the image and then realised that I had misplaced a layer and the nose and mouth needed extra work. That is when the trouble started!

The image is so badly corrupted because I down graded the filters and now can no longer return to the original settings............

I have found that I can avoid the Inkscape 'export to bitmap' by saving a copy to Gimp and then exporting from there. This is lightning fast :)

I checked the 0.49x download site and it says that there aren't any download files available?


On 31 August 2012 14:01, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...226...> wrote:
On 31-08-12 12:01, Dennis Melling wrote:
> Hi
> That is great information, I will look into these work arounds but I am
> still very disappointed with Inkscape.
> After reading lots of positives about the program I thought that it
> would be very good.
> When I reach my final image with the filter effects applied I can no
> longer edit anything and converting to a bitmap image is like crashing
> your head into a brick wall:(

Sad to hear you're having so much trouble. Have you tried the current
development version (0.49)? It has a different renderer and can be quite
a bit faster in certain cases (among other things, the cache has been
improved). There are "nightly" builds available from the site (although
the link seems to be down at the moment, if you have trouble accessing
it, feel free to ask on the list for a build and I or someone else with
Windows will provide it).

If you still have problems with the development version, I'd love to see
an example of a really bad performing image, to see where the problem lies.

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