On 4/3/07, Aaron Spike <aaron@...476...> wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Is there a way to take a self-intersecting path or set of paths and
> dice them up into regions that can be filled? For instance if you
> draw a sketchy grid, with a set of wavy vertical and wavy horizontal
> lines, and you want to fill in the squares between the lines with
> different colors.
Yes there is. Select all of the paths that make up the areas you would
like to fill and Union them (Path -> Union works with a single selected
path in 0.45 and beyond. Users of prior versions may need to add a
helper path to union with.) After Union "uncrosses" the paths Break
Apart and fill.
Aaron Spike
I don't think the Union command does what Bill is asking. I tried drawing a grid of several wavy lines and I can't seem to get the (wavy) squares they form to be separated objects for filling purposes.
Maybe using a solid filled object underneath the lines and the Path->Division command might be able to generate the squares you're looking for.