On 12/27/05, Aaron Digulla <digulla@...310...> wrote:
Q: How are screen pixels related to the drawing? A: Not at all.
The snaps will change in unpredictable ways when I scroll or zoom.
You seem to misunderstand what "snapping distance" is. It does not affect _what_ you snap to, nor does it affect things that are already snapped into place. This is purely interactive thing: it affects how far your mouse cursor needs to be from the grid/guide for it to feel the attractive force. Or in other words, how precise you must position your mouse to make it snap. Since you always move your mouse in screen pixels, it makes a lot of sense to specify this distance in screen pixels. On the contrary, with this distance in abs units, (1) on zoom out you may not be able to zoom out at all, since the entire snapping distance may become less than one screen pixel; (2) on zoom out the snapping becomes obnoxious, as it may pull your mouse across half a screen.
Sorry I didn't explain this before, I just thought this evident.
I use the grid for technical drawings. I don't want to change the snap distance every time I zoom in or out. Imagine how my drawings will look when one part is done at 80% zoom and the next at 100% and the details at 150%.
Of course it will look perfect, with everything reliably snapped where you want it to snap and with consistent and predictable snapping behavior regardless of zoom.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org