I have installed Inkscape 0.48 and it runs OK in Windows 7 32 bit as a windows program.
I have got the inkscape.com version from the .7z distro (wasn't in the win installer package - an omission?).
But when I try to run the inkscape.com from a command window I don't get a c:\users\paul> prompt
just a blank DOS window with the expected.
If I type commands like --version or --help or -h they are just echoed and available with the uparrow command recall.
I get the Inkscape window up that shows I have Inkscape 0.48.0 r9654.
What am I doing wrong?
PS I have run the SVG converter GUI utility but it produces .pngs that don't view right with MS Photo viewer. So I am hoping to run a command file instead - as I did with previous versions.
Paul A. Bristow, pbristow@...2746...