My certificate of completion machine

Hi all,
I just wanted to share an Inkscape accomplishment. My customer wanted certificates of completion for for their students after their students completed my Troubleshooting Course. So I made a certificate of completion, with a token where the student name should have been, and then wrote a small Python program which read each student name, replaced the token in the Inkscape file, then converted to PDF. It worked flawlesly.
Now I'm expanding the Python program to have tokens for not only the name, but also the place, date range, course title, date of signature, and a few other things, and I'm going to start offering to all my customers.
Inkscape is the perfect product to do this because it's basically just an XML file that easily accommodates token strings replaceable by Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, C, sed or awk. And Inkscape is easy to create certificate graphics in, and it produces small PDFs.
Thanks for the great graphics program.
Steve Litt * * Troubleshooting Training * Human Performance
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Steve Litt