I think it would be nice it there was a way to make simple .STL (3D) files.
Now I know that inkscape isn't aimed at true 3D but the ease of use of inkscape is hard to find in any 3D modeling software. Now i'm not proposing to transform Inkscape into a full blown 3D modeling app. But it would be nice if it was possible to make something like this: http://worldofgnome.org/how-to-use-inkscape-to-print-3d/ completely in inkscape without the need of external software..
And have an option to cut out a few holes lets say to make a mounting plate. This is something google came up with. http://www.openbeamusa.com/images/products/226.jpg
So it is 2.5D not fully 3D.
All that's needed is an extrude thickness, and something that renders it to STL.
I'm not into coding, but I think this could be done? There are a few other way's to do this but it would be wonderful if it could be done without external apps.
Even better would be the full blown 3D transformation. But i'm not sure if I dare to ask for that.
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