For those who print custom sized documents using Inkscape, I ran across another app which seems to work very well printing BOTH banners AND posters.
Check out Posteriza 1.1.1 (
So far this app has printing everything I've drawn (if thats what you can call my attempts to draw). I can enlarge to HUGE sizes.
Save your Inkscape document as either a bmp or png file (the two I've tried to date). Open in Posteriza, make the size changes, and print away (and yes, HPs can print banners - I've finally had success with mine - I say this for my benefit. I was ready to throw the printer out the window).
I sincerely hope that others can use this information. I've received so much support as I attempt to print odd sized things, I want to repay in any way that I can. Inkscape is very cool and fits absolutly perfectly in my class where students just love it. Now that I can print their work with no porblems (so far), the kids are almost too excited.
Again, thank you everyone!!!
participants (1)
Jon jts