Reducing SVG filesizes --- auto-identify clones?

Anyone remember Aldus Intellidraw?
Anyway, I'm working on re-drawing the diagrams for the Shapeoko (an opensource CNC mill/router/lasercutter/3D printer kit) so as to improve the appearance and reduce the filesizes.
Files were really bloated by having been exported as .pdfs from Autodesk Inventor (or some other commercial 3D design tool) and being comprised of lots of short little paths:
Re-drawing the files results in a greatly reduced filesize and (I think) a nicer appearance:
(replacing a single M5 nut w/ the hand-drawn version lowers the filesize by ~100KB --- other parts yield similar savings, while bolts are several times that)
This still leaves a lot of instances of identical parts being used multiple times --- is there a way to have the program automatically identify identical objects and set them to be clones? I've looked, but can't find anything --- (if memory serves) this was a nifty feature of Aldus Intellidraw, and one which I missed.
I did find the Vacuum Defs command (saved ~4,000 bytes) and I found this post: so will be trying:
• Experiment with the 'SVG output' settings in 'Inkscape Preferences'. • Save a Copy as 'Plain SVG (*.svg)' • Save a Copy as 'Optimized SVG (*.svg)' which uses the python script 'scour' to optimize the SVG file size. • Save a Copy as 'Compressed (plain) SVG (*.svgz)'
participants (1)
William Adams