Are GPU Acceleration & Color-Managed Exports on the Roadmap?

I was just wondering if anyone knows whether GPU acceleration and CMYK (and spot color) exports are on the roadmap for future releases? I design professionally, and I'm trying to get away from Adobe and Windows for good; these features are just about the final hurdles to make Inkscape usable for me in a professional, print-focused setting. I know Scribus can be used to convert colors, but the state of SVG support in Scribus makes it difficult to rely on for this purpose. With those features in place, barring some small UX concerns, I think Inkscape would be a 100% viable alternative to Illustrator in pro settings. It's so close already, and I've really been enjoying learning it. I have moved most of my machines to Manjaro, but I have one Windows machine left that I access via Parsec to run Adobe CC when I have to; I'm itching to get rid of it.
participants (1)
Nathan Upchurch