Re: [Inkscape-user] Mimicking illustrator brushes

How would you do that with something such as this?
Is it possible to add patterns to inkscape like in the gimp or is there some other method
It's not directly possible, but you can mimic some of this feature by using the "Pattern along Path" effect and/or the "Tiled Clones" tool.
- Tony
Is it possible to have something like illustrator brushes in Inkscape?
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How would you do that with something such as this?
Those are fun. I found that I could basically follow that tutorial in Inkscape, but here are the steps for you.
1. Create a tear drop type shape 2. Increase the number of nodes (this one is important) 3. Draw a curve/spiral 4. Select the curve, then add the shape to the selection 5. Effects>Generate From Path>Pattern Along Path>Dialog 6. Be sure to choose 'Copies of the patteren'>Single, Stretched
This may also help you:
Later, when the add live path effects, I think this will work better.

The new patterns along paths is way cool. But am I right in thinking that it won't do one thing that the old kochify effect did - put one copy of the 'pattern' along each internode of the path?
I think it would be good if there was another mode - "one copy per internode". Not sure if it makes sense for that to come in stretched, unstretched, snake, and ribbon flavors.
Cheers -Terry
participants (3)
Axiom X11
D. Jones
Terry Brown